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BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT NOWMicroblading, also known as eyebrow embroidery or 3D brows, is a relatively new manual method for enhancing eyebrows. It is considered to be permanent makeup, as compared to the traditional hair stroke technique done by machine. It is done using a handheld tool (pen) with a very fine needle grouping to deposit pigment into the dermis. Because the color is closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no spilling under the skin.
The difference with this and ordinary permanent makeup is that microblading is not done by a machine. The pigment is manually placed into the skin. The microblading manual pen is equipped with sterile packaged blades. The needle grouping glides with gentle pressure over the skin and causes fine cuts, as fine as a paper cut, leaving a trace that can hardly be distinguished from real hair. Depending on the drawing technique – of which we are experts – it creates an individual look perfect for your face and the style you are trying to achieve. Above all 3D, or HD, eyebrows absolutely do not appear as a tattoo.
Microblading is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of the hair you currently have.
People suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that causes hair loss benefit greatly from microblading, as well as people who simply aren’t happy with their eyebrows.
Usually Microblading is done in two sessions. The first takes two to three hours. In the first session, the brow is shaped and styled to the client’s preference, and pigment is applied.. Four to six weeks later, the client returns for the second session for touch up, This takes one to two hours.
It takes about ten days for healing. In that time any redness will fade and the initial darkness of the eyebrows will begin to lighten. The color will lighten over about thirty days as it completely sets in.
Touch up is necessary because everyone heals differently and therefore the outcomes vary. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the color and brow thickness by adding more strokes. In the touch up session, the final adjustments are made to assure the client’s satisfaction.
This is not recommended because the healing needs to be completed before the final results are seen. Final adjustments should only be done after the initial work has stabilized.
The level of discomfort is relatively minor. Some liken it to tweezing two to three hairs at the same time. Usually a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area being worked. Topical anesthetics are safe and may contain lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.
Redness and slight swelling in the area is common after the procedure. Often clients liken the feeling to a slight sunburn. Frequently Tylenol is used to deaden any discomfort.
Generally Microblading lasts six to eighteen months, depending on skin type…normal, oily, or dry and age…young or mature. It is not permanent like a tattoo, because the pigments are not implanted so deeply into the skin. Skincare also affects the duration of the pigments. To maintain the brows, touch may be done every six to eighteen months.
Proper procedures and precautions are used to ensure safe procedures. Either sterilized tools or disposable tools are used in a sanitized environment. When pre and post care instructions are followed the risk of complications are minimal. Allergic reactions to pigments are very rare, but sometimes occur. For this reason, a pigment patch test for those with sensitive skin or to topical makeup product, gold , silver, nickel, or hair dyes should be patch tested a few days in advance of the procedure.
Carefully choose your practitioner. Compare the work of various artists before choosing. Discuss your expectations and desired outcome, including the shape, style, and color you wish with the artist. Realize that faces are never perfectly symmetrical. Adjustments may be made during touch up, such as pigment discoloration and color correction. Remember that Microbladed brows will eventually fade away if touch ups are not done.